Forecast edition by Ron Loe Literature Fiction eBooks

Nathan Chastain has spent his life and career trying to save the lives that are needlessly lost due to unpredictable weather throughout the world. He stumbles upon a new computer system that seems to be the answer to his prayers, capable of the unimaginable calculations needed to forecast the weather worldwide with unerring accuracy. The only problem is the company that supplied the computer. They discovered a new use for it that could make the partners rich…and they’ll do ANYTHING to get it back from Nathan!
Forecast edition by Ron Loe Literature Fiction eBooks
This a combination of romance, suspense and an original science fiction adaptation about what can happen if we could control the weather and then abuse it. It will hold you on the edge of your seat, so be prepared to read it from cover to cover!This would really be a winning movie....Spielberg or Lucas worthy!
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Tags : Forecast - Kindle edition by Ron Loe. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Forecast.,ebook,Ron Loe,Forecast,Createspace,FICTION Action & Adventure,FICTION Suspense,FICTION Technological,FICTION Thrillers
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Forecast edition by Ron Loe Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
Very creative vision into what the future of our technologies could hold. For those taken by the Matrix trilogy, Ron's creation will bring back that thrill of what if... While this book takes place in a real setting, the creative spins will keep you turning the page to see where you will end. I look forward to his next creation.
Without giving it away, I just want to say this book took a turn I did not expect. It is entertaining and very creative. I didn't expect the story to go in this direction. I couldn't put the book down at that point. Again, Ron's ability to explain and set the scenes in the book make yoiu feel like you are right there! This would be great to see on the big screen!
I really enjoyed reading this book. I think the author should devote more time to writing books - he is good!
This a combination of romance, suspense and an original science fiction adaptation about what can happen if we could control the weather and then abuse it. It will hold you on the edge of your seat, so be prepared to read it from cover to cover!
This would really be a winning movie....Spielberg or Lucas worthy!

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